Free Chemistry Software - Utilities

2011-10-10 | #chemistry #computational chemistry #free software #IYC

Free Chemistry Software - Utilities One of the major annoyances as chemists in front of computer is faced with is the vast number of file formats. The good news is that most file formats are text files so it is possible to reverse engineer them by looking at a number of examples. One open source project called OpenBabel tries to help chemists in converting between the formats (currently OpenBabel supports 113 file formats related to chemistry).

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Free Chemistry Software - Introduction

2011-10-07 | #chemistry #computational chemistry #free software #IYC

The year of 2011 has been declared the International Year of Chemistry by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry). The purpose of devoting a full year to chemistry is to spread the notion that chemistry is important for our daily life. In this series of blog posts I have examined the state of free software in chemistry. This first post is an outline of the usage of computers in chemistry.

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Open Source for Ledere

1999-04-18 | #dansk #free software #open source

Tjen penge på Open Source Notes in English Co-authors: Peter Toft and Hanne Munkholm Published at Original license: Formål Vi vil i denne artikel argumentere for at Open Source Software er bedre end det mere traditionelle lukkede software. Det vil blive beskrevet hvorfor Linux-verdenens måde at udvikle software på har store fordele - dels med hensyn til stabilitet og sikkerhed, men også med hensyn til den strategiske risiko, som en moderne erhvervsleder altid må tage, når der købes software.

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Open Source

1998-09-09 | #dansk #free software #open source

Open Source (TM) Notes in English Co-author: Peter Toft Published at Introduktion En af de mest spændende udviklinger på software fronten det sidste stykke tid er konceptet Open Source (TM), der dækker over frigivelse af kildeteksten til et program. Dette sker under en licens, der giver lov til at alle - uanset kulturelle og geografiske skel - må anvende og ændre kildekode efter behov, og derefter frit videregive den modificerede kode under samme licens.

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