Review - Learning JavascriptMVC
2013-06-24 | #javascript #web
I haven’t been developing front-end code in JavaScript for some time. Well, to be more precise: years. Most of my JavaScript code these days is unit tests for a node.js extension, I’m maintaining at work. Recently, a book on JavaScriptMVC by Wojceich Bednanski was published by Packt. I was curious to see how contemporary web applications are written so I picked up the book. It is a short book - only 124 pages. In the preface, the author sets the requirement of the reader but I think he underestimate what it takes to read the book. In my opinion, the reader is an experience software developer with a sound knowledge of JavaScript, jQuery, and HTML. If the reader hasn’t read “the good parts”, I would recommend her to do so before reading this book. Furthermore, the reader should not be afraid of the Linux command line. Today, most software developers are trained in object-oriented modeling and design, and the author does assume so. Through-out most of the book, the reader sees how to develop a simple TODO manager. As TODO managers generally work with dates, the book has a number of assuming dates. On page 21, one sees a task due 1st December 1012. The approach of the book is to begin by the basic elements and gradually move to more advanced components. If the book has been much longer, I believe that many readers will be lost by this approach. To be fair, a complete example is introduced in the beginning of the book but explanations are coming in later chapters, the reader is left a bit frustrated. Chapter 2 and 3 are about topics which are invisible to the user of an application: documentation and testing. I agree with the author that these topics are important but I would have preferred them later in the book. Chapter 4 is about how to organize an application. It seems strange that large portion of the example code is commented out on page 51. Moreover, some of the plugins are discussed so briefly that the reader has no clue if there are useful or when to use them. One of the toughest part of a JavaScript application is to load the required libraries - and in the right order. In my dark past as front-end developer, I wrote a small library for loading libraries. Actually, it is just an excuse to write a graph class in JavaScript. Chapter 5 shows how to do load depending library using JavaScriptMVC. Unfortunately, the author does not explain in details how it works, and the examples are so simple that they have limited value. I like that the author introduces a complex framework like JavaScriptMVC is a very short book. But I was at times a little confused: does the author only show me the simple solution or best practices? If the publisher has asked for more pages, the author might have had a chance to get deeper into the subject. You can find the book here.